This show is dedicated to: All of the brave men and women who served, and came home.  Many came back broken, lost and different.  For some the scars are visible, others deep inside and for others secretely hidden until love unlocks their heart.  To all of our heroes, we offer Heart Songs as our humble way of saying, Thank You.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and "Pundit Press" Dan Butcher is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest: Jill Pavel, Founder, Heart Songs For Veterans

On a mission  to help our Nations Veterans Jill has spent much of her career in marketing and public relations catering to non profits that share a similar mission.  Her roster of clients include deep ties to the music industry, including Blingnot Media where she is the Director of Marketing and Public Relations.  Heart Songs is the pairing of her two passions, Helping Veterans and Music.  By bringing the two communities together in an innovating pairing, the programming was born.  Jill’s personal Heart Song is the joy that this programming will bring to the Veterans, their families and the artists that will be privileged to make a difference.

Their MIssion:  This community of musicians donate their new song releases.  The proceeds from sales are then donated to Veteran Organizations across the Nation.  From their heart to yours...

Currently they have 35 artists/bands on their roster including 4 Veterans and a military wife.  Country, Rock and some pop.  One of their Veterans released a hip hop song.

**** UPDATE ****  Help this Veteran pls