On August 6, 2011, thirty Military Americans, including 17 members of Seal Team Six were shot down at point blank range in an apparent Taliban Ambush. Was it an inside job? Why the cover-up? This entire show is dedicated to the victims of the shoot down of Extortion 17.

Guest: Author Don Brown is a former U.S. Navy JAG Officer, stationed at the Pentagon, and an author of ten published novels,and is perhaps best known for his bestselling novel, Treason. Brown studied at the United States Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, earning the Navy's nonresident certificate in International Law. As an action officer at the Pentagon in 1992, Brown drafted legal memoranda for the Secretary of the Navy, and was published in the US Navy Law Review, drafting a law review article instructing United States Military Lawyers on defending against temporary injunctions filed against the military. While serving as a U.S. Navy JAG officer, Brown was appointed Special Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of California.



