This show is dedicated to: Sgt. Charles C. Strong, 28, of Suffolk, Va., was killed Sept. 15, in Herat province, a spokesman for Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command.  Donate here:

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and Dan, of Pundit Press Radio is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

The Dirty Unkuls: These 5 childhood friends hail from Lake Jackson, Texas. They grew up on a steady diet of rock and 80's glam metal. Eric, Lance and Kyle were in a garage band together in high school called "InAsense". Mark & Joey were founding member of the band "Rokitt". All 5 moved away from Lake Jackson after high school to start families and careers. Mark fronted many metal bands in Austin, then switched to country, which led to a small stint in Nashville. Kyle kept drumming through out the years. In 2008, Kyle, Lance and Eric went to the South Texas Rock Fest to relive some old memories of the music they grew up with. They had such a great time they decided to schedule a weekend to record some songs. Mark quickly agreed to be a part of the project. So they met up in Boerne, Texas at Eric's home studio. We all caught up with Joey and welcomed him back into the fold.

The Dirty Unkuls (the name and concept came from Lance when Hurricane Dolly decided to park over Lance's house and he had a lot of time to think. Lack of electricity will do that to you.) is a band strictly for fun, nothing more or less. We have accomplished to write, record and prepare for release 10 originals.  Do you think these guys are having fun? That's what rock and roll is all about baby!