To our Jewish friends: L'Shana Tova

Southern Sense is conservative talk on news and events, with Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis as host and  Curtis "CS" Bennett as co-host.  Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey!  Visit our website at, become a member and follow us here and on Facebook.


Mike Cutler  said, "I think it is absolutely essential that I explain who I am.  I also feel it is important to explain why I have embarked upon a mission to provide insight about our nation’s many failures in securing the United States borders. My opinions are based on thirty years of experience with the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Beyond my professional experience, I’d also like you to understand that who I am as a human being is a foundation for my opinions as well. 

Why is immigration such a large issue?  Immigration impacts many of the most important challenges confronting our nation today.  It impacts national security, criminal justice, the economy, the environment, health care and education (to name a few).  Anyone who believes that these issues need addressing must also address the immigration component of these issues."  Find out more at:

DEDICATION:  This show is dedicated to:Army Sgt. Christopher Vars, died in North Korea and returned home 65 years after missing in action.