Today, March 25th is Medal Of Honor Day. This show is dedicated to all of the brave Congressional Medal Of Honor recipients, especially, the 24 awardees of the March 18th dedication at the White House.n  Of the 24 honorees, which spanned 3 wars, three remained living and received their awards in a White House ceremony on the 18th of March, Sgt. 1st Class Melvin Morris, MSgt Jose Rodela and Sgt. Santiago Erevia.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and " COOL " Mike is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest: Michael Berry, Esq., Senior Council and Director of Military Affairs for the Liberty Institute.  Mr. Berry, a US Marine veteran, served in a high profile combat deployment to Afghanistan in 2008, serving as a subject-matter expert on complex legal matters of multi-national significance.

Recently, Mr. Berry sucessfully defended the religious liberty of Audrey Jarvis.

At 2:30pm George Brikho for Congress from Detroit ( area ) will be our guest. A Dynamic candidate who believes in LIBERTIES, LIMITED government & who's campaign REVOLUTION is NOT for sale @ any price.

It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic! 

You never know what we'll talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word