This show is dedicated to: The Ottawa shooting victim is Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, 24, a reservist serving in Hamilton from the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada regiment, killed by a home grown terrorist, Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014.


Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and Dan, of Pundit Press Radio is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest:  Kevin Flegler, author of:  Limits: A Biblical and Secular Argument for Limited Government

Does the Bible really reveal the role government should have in society? In Limits: A Biblical and Secular Argument for Limited Government, author Kevin Flegler takes the reader on an examination of God's purpose for government and how that purpose fits into Gods design for an ordered, ethical, moral, and prosperous society. Using both the Bible and empirical evidence from secular history, Kevin demonstrates that limited government continues the liberation and freedom of mankind and unleashes the tremendous potential of the individual. Limits is a powerful and thought-provoking journey into an understanding of the root of the problems facing society, and a clear picture of the solution.

It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!

You never know what we'll talk about: conservative, constitution, freedom, liberty, obama, tea party, gun control, republican, libertarian, stop white guilt, word