This show is dedicated to: Army Staff Sgt. Juan L. Rivadeneira , Cpl. Jacob R. Carver and Spc. Jacob C. Carroll died Nov. 13, 2010 in Zhari district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan, when an insurgent suicide bomber detonated a vest bomb and struck thier unit.

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick", Kel Fritzi, Red Fox Radio  and Dan, of Pundit Press Radio is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest:  Joe Kaufman was born in Detroit Michigan and raised by his grandparents in Westchester County, New York. Upon learning that his grandmother had fallen gravely ill, he put his promising radio career on hold to tend to her. He became well educated to the challenges of the elderly and the difficulties of Medicare and old age. 

Then, 9/11, 2001- the attack on the World Trade Center. Joe was fundamentally changed by the event, vowing to dedicate his life to fighting terrorism. He co-founded Americans Against Hate, a not-for-profit dedicated to fighting bigotry and terrorism. He worked with the FBI, Homeland Security and Department of Defense to identify, route out and imprison terrorists active worldwide with a focus on protecting America. He has done so heroically for the past 13 years with devastating results to certain individuals and organizations threatening the American people. 

Joe is uniquely qualified to serve in Florida's 23rd District with his involvement in the Jewish and Latino communities.

It's a battle of Conservative values and principles in defense of our Republic!