This show is dedicated to: Pfc. David R. Jones, Jr. 21, died in a non-combat incident on October 24, 2010 in Baghdad. Military officials say he was found with a gunshot wound in his barracks in Baghdad on October 24th. His mother, Theresa Bennett, said a military official told her the death is being investigated as a possible suicide, but she thinks there is much more to the story.  

Defending the Republic with Annie "The Radio Chick" and Dan, of Pundit Press Radio is an ongoing discussion of recent events, issues and the upcoming elections.

Special Guest: Neil McCabe, is a senior investigative reporter and editor at, and a columnist for the Canada Free Press and McCabe deployed with the Army Reserve to Iraq for 15 months as a combat historian. For many years, he was a reporter and photographer for "The Pilot," Boston's Catholic paper. He was also the editor of the free community papers "The Somerville (Mass.) News and "The Alewife (North Cambridge, Mass.)." Email him: [email protected] Follow him on Twitter: @neilwmccabe.

Special Guest:  Comedian Evan Sayet  was born in NYC and went to school in Rochester, NY. He would soon move out to Hollywood in order to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian, television writer, and eventually video producer. However, post 9-11, he rethought (or more accurately, thought about for the first time) his political and social beliefs. Evan recognized that he had been acting as a knee-jerk Liberal, but was, in reality, a conservative at heart. From that moment, he has dedicated himself to conserving and promoting the values of the America that has given him freedom and allowed him to pursue his life of liberty and happiness.