Dedication: Police Officer Lesley Zerebny and Police Officer Gil Vega, Palm Springs Police Department, California

End of Watch: Saturday, October 8, 2016


George Farrell is the Chief Executive Officer of American Security Trust, LLC, an International Business Consulting Company and a Member of the Pinellas County Republican Executive Committee. He is also a published author and a powerful motivational speaker.  He is the founder of &

BlakPAC contributes to conservative candidates who share our values and serve as positive role models. They are our best advocates for conservative ideas to be showcased in the community.

Former State Senator Elbert Lee Guillory is a candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s Fourth Congressional District. Originally elected as a Democrat, Senator Guillory made national news by switching to the Republican Party in June of 2013. Guillory articulated why he chose to become a Republican in a video that went viral online, garnering him national media attention.

Southern Sense is conservative talk Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis, as host and "CS" Bennett, co-host.  Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey! 

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