Southern Sense is a show of conservative talk on news and events, with Annie "The Radio Chick" Ubelis as host and Curtis "CS" Bennett, co-host.  Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we'll go, but you'll love the journey!

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Nationally recognized Agenda 21 speaker Victoria Baer informs attendees of the UN-sponsored

plan to abolish private property and other Constitutional rights

What is Agenda 21?  

It's big government, REALLY BIG government- as in global governance to "achieve justice in the world economy, environment, and society".  While many of the goals stated in the 1992 world plan sound desireable, implementation by over-zealous activists in national, state, and local governments (and advisors to those governments) is resulting in unacceptable restrictions on individual liberty.

Shall the United States be governed by the Constitution, or Agenda 21? Sounds far fetched, but federal mandates from the Environmental Protection Agency, with additional rstrictions from state & local governments, are increasingly dictating limitations on private property and business.

Dedication: Marine Sgt. Chad Frokjer was killed June 30, 2011 when he stepped on an improvised explosive device in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province, on the Pakistani border.