Part 3 of the Local Legends series was very special. On the line, Parker is talking with author, public land advocate, & Florida native, Peter Updike. Being raised around the Ocala National Forest, Peter started hunting at an early age. Parker and Peter discuss the early years of his hunting career, and the passion that he developed to chase whitetails around the public woods of Florida. It’s no secret that Florida is not known for it’s large deer population or for producing quality bucks. However, this is the place that Peter calls home. In this day and age it’s not uncommon to hear hunters complain about the state they are in. “The deer population just isn’t great around here”. If you’re apart of any hunting forums, you hear that often. Peter doesn’t have that excuse. In fact, he loves the fact that hunting is difficult. “It just makes success that much better”, he says.

Mr. Updike documented his experiences in his book titled, “Wild Treasures Of An Outdoorsman”. In this book, Peter talks about what our public lands mean to him. He shares stories and experiences that have led him to the place he’s in now. Some legends have a natural killer instinct that leads them to kill giant whitetails every year. While Mr. Updike has done this, what makes him legendary is his willingness and ability to teach. Prepare to be inspired!