Episode 63 went from being completely planned (twice) to over-crowded, to a bit shorter than normal, all within the space of a week. In the end, though, I’m more than happy with how it came together and thrilled to have gotten the chance to connect with so many wonderful people in such a short time.


The span of the last 7 days (I’m writing this about 7 days and 3 hours after Pellegrino was sacked), I’ve done more guest podcasts and TV appearances than in the past 2 years combined. Add to that I was on the road for work, and sharing a room with a friend of mine (who loves me plenty, but has little patience for me getting up at 4:00am to edit or stay up until midnight to record). Nonetheless, this week we have two separate, shorter interviews, and 4 voicemail messages sent in from listeners reacting to the hiring of Hughes and the win in FA Cup Quarter-final clash against Wigan.


The way the show is structured this week is a bit different. First we’ll have a listen to some fan opinions on the hiring of Hughes, then speak with Saints’ fan and fellow Podcaster Dave Lee (on Twitter @AODavelee) about how he became a fan, the season and the hiring of Hughes. Originally Dave and I were supposed to watch the Swansea City match and record a full episode with all the normal stuff while we were at a conference in Southern California. But, when the Swansea match was postponed and our cup match moved to Sunday, we had to settle for an abbreviated chat. We talked for much longer, with no mics around, and enjoyed a few beverages as well (getting ready for the trip to England, in my opinion).


I also had the chance to chat with a podcaster and presenter I respect very much. Jim Salveson hosts and writers “On the Left Side: The Alternative Football Show” along with Ant McGinley, for Abrupt Audio.I spoke with Jim a bit about his show (iTunes link here) and about his thoughts on our new manager Mark Hughes. Lastly, I was lucky enough to get a voicemail from Dan Jarvis (I won’t lie, I actually asked him to send it in) with his thoughts on the Wigan match… it’s perhaps the most concise and on-point any guest has ever been.. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t there asking him a ton of questions. Whatever, though, he and his dad will be on at some point in the future, and I’m truly looking forward to it!


I also joined The Independent Republic of Soccer Podcast,  with Conal McCourt (Twitter at @Conall_Mcc) to discuss Hughes, Pellegrino, the season and more. Check it out here.


Below are the guest on today’s show along with any podcast they are affiliated with.


Voicemail Callers:

Jay Grant- @Granty_SFC

Alex Hammond- @sainthammond

Tim Marshall- @timjmarshall

Dan Jarvis- @danjarvisSFC91



Dave Lee- @AODavelee, co-host, @thewavesoftech and partially in charge @ModernLifePods

Jim Salveson- @Mr_Jimbob, host of @ontheleftside(iTunes, Stitcher)


Overall, this week has been a blast, but

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