Finally, the international break is over. I was anxiously awaiting the end of the break and very much looking forward to the return of the Southampton Football Club… and then we played Watford. I read about it online before I actually saw it, and man was it tough to watch…I spoke with Dan Hargraves, who’s on Twitter @dhargravessfc and who’s YouTube Channel can be found here about it all. If you haven’t subscribed to his channel yet be sure to do so. You won’t be disappointed. Dan and I talked about his Vlogging and writing, as well as Watford, the manager, the transfer window and more. I really enjoyed chatting with Dan and I hope you find our conversation to be both pleasant and intriguing.

There are two new ways to enjoy the show. You can now listen to the most recent episodes on Soundcloud and YouTube, and you can still subscribe wherever you get your podcasts by searching “Dellivery” in your app- just make sure autocorrect doesn’t change it to delivery- and then look for the same image that is used on the Facebook page and Twitter Account.

If you have questions or comments about the show, I'd love to hear them, please contact me via Twitter or email. If you have a guest you'd like me to try and get ahold of please let me know and I'll do my best.

The artwork for the show is done by Matt Beling of the wearesouthampton page on Instagram. Be sure to check out the great edits, competitions, and polls he has going on over there.

On this episode you heard a riff from BB King, I didn't create or recreate it, I just thought it was a good fit for the show.

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on future episodes and give the show a rating on iTunes!

iTunes, Acast, Stitcher, Google Play, Tunein, Soundcloud, YouTube

All feedback can be sent to @SFCDell_ivery on Twitter or and questions can be submitted using the hashtag #sfcdell. You can also email the show at [email protected].


Until next time, cheers.


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