I’d be willing to say that the majority of Saints fans who are on Twitter, read about Saints online or listen to Saints related podcasts know, at least vaguely, who Carl Anka is. In the past two months, Carl has emerged as the newest, full-time professional writer covering Saints. Carl writes for theathletic.com and is exclusively writing about Southampton FC. The Athletic has compiled an elite group of journalists who cover all of the top flight and select teams in the Championship. They provide top-notch coverage and unique insight on all aspects of the club and sport. The opportunity to speak with Carl was an honor. And I took the opportunity to (hopefully) ask some questions that others have not, hopefully giving some of the same insight to Carl as Carl gives to the team (I likely failed, but anyway).

Our conversation covers everything from life in Southampton to reporting for The Athletic, working with editors, covering uncomfortable topics, video games and more. I had a blast, even though I was definitely showing the early signs of a sore throat and Skype was being Skype. Hopefully, it’s an enjoyable insightful episode…

If you want to get in touch with Carl or see more of him there are some links below. The Free Trial link is just that… the link titled “My Link” is a referral link from the Athletic. I am a paying subscriber and if you use that I get a kickback once you sign up. Both plans are offering 40% off for the year if you sign up annually. I should also say the Athletic covers a wide range of other sports and I’ve found the coverage all around to be great… I’m also really uncomfortable putting my own link in here, but whatever.

Follow Carl Anka below and check out his other work if you like this stuff.

Carl Anka on Twitter- @Ankaman616 https://twitter.com/Ankaman616

Parts Unknown Wrestling Podcasthttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-parts-unknown-wrestling-podcast/id1195850281

Sign-up Links for The AthleticFree Trial Offer- https://theathletic.com/checkout/?plan_id=46

My Link- https://theathletic.com/checkout?pc=raf40&plan_id=45&shared_by_name=Matthew&shared_by=2807520


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