Inviting Wolves into your home is always risky... Just writing that brings back memories of news stories from my childhood, where ordinary people somehow decided having a Tiger or a Lion or a Wolf as a pet. Not to mention Little Red Riding Hood or any of the other fairy tales where Wolves represented danger or a threat. But, if I had to pick a fairy tale equivalent for last weekend’s match, it would have to be the Three Little Pigs. Wolves huffed and puffed, but could not blow the house down, as Saints defended well, stood up to the test, and came out 3-1 winners over the newly promoted, top half side.

Whether they were distracted or not, the performance and the result were, dare I say, what we’ve come to expect. An organized, aggressive performance, with a lot of work done without the ball, a strong performance from an academy product, a Shane Long goal, and an enthusiastic manager who celebrated every goal with us. It’s a beautiful thing. As is seeing us go 8 points clear of the drop zone.

Joining me to discuss the match and his new YouTube Channel is Mike Smale. His new project is MatchDaylogs, and I had a great time discussing how he got started, what changes it’s made to his matchday experience and how he has made sure doing the vlog doesn’t get in the way of supporting the team, enjoying the match, or teaching your kids proper fan/referee interaction.

You can get in touch and follow along on Mike’s journey on all of the major social media channels. You’ll be in for a treat, with high production value, entertaining episodes and a real show of the emotion that goes with each and every Saints’ match.

Follow Mike and MatchDayVlogs:

MatchDayVlogs YouTube: @MatchDayVlogs -

MatchDayVlogs Instagram: @matchdayvlogs -

MatchDayVlogs Twitter:@MatchVlogs -

MatchDayVlogs Facebook: MatchDayVlogs -

Mike Instagram: @mikeysmale -

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