Saints were out of action this week but there was still plenty to talk about. We covered a bit of the transfer window with Dan from Prem Worldwide on Instagram (available to $5.00/month listeners on the Patreon page) and it was the perfect time for me to chat with Issy Foster of the Southampton Women’s Football Club. Issy is new to the club this season and it was nice to get a fresh perspective from someone new to both the south coast and the club. We discussed her move, playing in the US, the state of women’s football in the US and UK and more.

If you’d like to help sponsor the football club, you can do so by visiting their website and contacting the club secretary. Links are below. Also, you can follow Issy on Twitter @IssyFoster93.

Southampton Women’s FC- on Instagram at @sotonwomensfc

Southampton Women’s FC- on Twitter at @sotonwomensfc


Club secretary, Amanda Burroughs- [email protected]

ScheduleFirst Team-



I also spoke with Matt Neuhausen, a Florida based Saints’ fan about his recent trip to Southampton. He has a great girlfriend who booked the tickets, and who also let him talk to me shortly after they got back. We spoke about the trip and getting to finally see the club he’s supported for so long in person.


Matt is @mattneuhausen on Twitter, and he also contributes to TalkSAINTS, so be sure to check out their website and visit them on social media! Special thanks to Matt for taking the time to speak with me.


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