This is episode 100. 100 straight weeks of planning, arranging, recording, editing, mixing, producing and distributing an episode of the show. When all the math is done, it comes out to just over 20 full days of work. Almost a month of my life, 1/24 of my time over the last two years has been spent doing this thing I love so very much.

This COULD NOT and WOULD NOT happen without the support of so many of you. So I’d just like to say thank you to all of you who have listened and shared, reviewed and rated, and provided feedback. To all the guests who have come on, somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 different people, this is as much about you as it is me. So, in short, thank you!

For this milestone episode I’m joined by Matt Beling of the We Are Southampton page on Instagram (@wearesouthampton). Matt was one of the first people to be made aware of the podcast when it was being put together. He’s done the logos for the show (including the new Patreon only podcast feed logo), he’s given my feedback and he’s been on the show a few times as well. It only seemed fitting that he would be the one to come on for this episode, two years after it started. To make things even better, Matt has a bit of announcement of his own. He’s now set to take a job at the Southampton Football Club in the media department. So, thank you, Matt, and congratulations on having your wonderful work recognized and getting the job you’ve been talking about for more than two years! Good luck

One more thing. I’ve launched a Patreon page for the podcast at where you can help support the show. It is NOT required or expected, but if you are willing and able, I would truly appreciate your support and you’ll get a little extra in return. If you are interested in learning more about how you can help, or why  would do this, head over to and check it out. And don’t worry, this show, the Tuesday show, will always be here, until my wife says otherwise.


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