Baseball is back! Even if the sport is just a secondary thought where the White Sox are concerned.
SSS duty geezer Leigh Allan and his son and west coast correspondent, Will, actually manage to get in a lengthy chat about the team before turning to the main topic of the day (week, month, year, decade) and addressing the incredible, grasping greed of Jerry Reinsdorf (not that we harbor any dislike for him or anything).
On the baseball front, there are congrats to Tim Anderson on signing with the Marlins, Liam Hendriks on signing with the Red Sox, and anybody else we can think of who escaped the White Sox. Then there is lengthy talk of what in the world should be done about Dylan Cease, both with regard to possible trades and with regard to possibly encouraging him to throw strikes; a look at the probable starting lineup as it stands now, with hopes there are now some fielders who can catch the damned ball; and careful avoidance of predicting the 2024 record.
Then it is, of course, on to Reinsdorf’s desire that taxpayers stuff his pockets with more than a billion dollars, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s apparent openness to the scheme. The word is “no,” Mr. Mayor. To be followed by, “Never, ever a penny. Get out of my office you greedy, grasping jerk.”
Not that we oppose the idea of bankrupting the city and state for the benefit of billionaires, of course.
Listen below, on our built-in Megaphone player:
or follow along with every episode at Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or wherever you consume your podcasts. Or, you can watch the podcast on the Sox Populi YouTube channel.

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Baseball is back! Even if the sport is just a secondary thought where the White Sox are concerned.

SSS duty geezer Leigh Allan and his son and west coast correspondent, Will, actually manage to get in a lengthy chat about the team before turning to the main topic of the day (week, month, year, decade) and addressing the incredible, grasping greed of Jerry Reinsdorf (not that we harbor any dislike for him or anything).

On the baseball front, there are congrats to Tim Anderson on signing with the Marlins, Liam Hendriks on signing with the Red Sox, and anybody else we can think of who escaped the White Sox. Then there is lengthy talk of what in the world should be done about Dylan Cease, both with regard to possible trades and with regard to possibly encouraging him to throw strikes; a look at the probable starting lineup as it stands now, with hopes there are now some fielders who can catch the damned ball; and careful avoidance of predicting the 2024 record.

Then it is, of course, on to Reinsdorf’s desire that taxpayers stuff his pockets with more than a billion dollars, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s apparent openness to the scheme. The word is “no,” Mr. Mayor. To be followed by, “Never, ever a penny. Get out of my office you greedy, grasping jerk.”

Not that we oppose the idea of bankrupting the city and state for the benefit of billionaires, of course.

Listen below, on our built-in Megaphone player:

or follow along with every episode at Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or wherever you consume your podcasts. Or, you can watch the podcast on the Sox Populi YouTube channel.

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