It seems as if tech is one of the biggest recurring stories that touches many facets—economies, societies and businesses. In this episode we will discuss why retailers should care about AI and what makes a successful tech-rich organizational environment.
In this fireside chat, Michael Appel, managing director and head of retail practice, Getzler Henrich & Associates, sits down with José P. Chan, assistant professor, technology & innovation at Parsons School of Design to discuss AI’s implications.
Watch the fireside chat to learn:
·      When we say AI, what do we really mean? Is AI a magic bullet for retail problem solving?
·      How retailers should approach AI to improve efficiency and financial results, and what applications should be top of mind
·      How crucial adoption and the human elements are when thinking about AI  
·      The ethical or legal implications of AI when considering the incorporation of AI into a business  
·      Some good use cases of retail companies that have successfully incorporated AI solutions into their business models 
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It seems as if tech is one of the biggest recurring stories that touches many facets—economies, societies and businesses. In this episode we will discuss why retailers should care about AI and what makes a successful tech-rich organizational environment.

In this fireside chat, Michael Appel, managing director and head of retail practice, Getzler Henrich & Associates, sits down with José P. Chan, assistant professor, technology & innovation at Parsons School of Design to discuss AI’s implications.

Watch the fireside chat to learn:

·      When we say AI, what do we really mean? Is AI a magic bullet for retail problem solving?

·      How retailers should approach AI to improve efficiency and financial results, and what applications should be top of mind

·      How crucial adoption and the human elements are when thinking about AI  

·      The ethical or legal implications of AI when considering the incorporation of AI into a business  

·      Some good use cases of retail companies that have successfully incorporated AI solutions into their business models 

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