Welcome to the Sourcing Challenge Talkshow, this week Aaron Lintz (https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaronlintz/), and Mark Lundgren (https://www.linkedin.com/in/marklundgren/) are joined again by Sofia Broberger (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sofiabroberger/)

Part 3 of Sofia's Article Trilogy "How to be a one person recruitment team": https://sofiabroberger.se/2020/01/26/how-to-be-a-one-person-recruitment-team-part-three-optimization/

Aaron's Latest Article on Sourcecon.com "LinkedIn Recruiter Spreadsheet Hack": https://www.sourcecon.com/linkedin-recruiter-spreadsheet-hack/

Sign up for the Sourcing Challenge and AmazingHiring Hackathon on 20th February at 1pm EST - https://amazinghiring.com/sourcing-hackathon-february/

and if you are looking for Expert level sourcing training you need Aaron's Conference App Sourcing Training on https://sourcingchallenge.podia.com

and get your ticket for Sofia & Mark's live Advanced Sourcing training in Barcelona https://eventsframe.com/e/qoC2omR8I/advanced-sourcing-training-barcelona/

Make sure to subscribe to the channel to get the latest episodes of Sourcing Challenge Show and Talkshow as soon as they are published. http://social.sourcingchallenge.com/Show