Episode 28 - Civil Air Patrol with Col. Darin Ninness and Jack Daley


Welcome to the Sounds Like a Search and Rescue Podcast! Also known as SLASR. 

Join an experienced search and rescue volunteer and his friend as they discuss all things related to hiking and search and rescue in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. 

This week we welcome Colonel Darin Ninness and Jack Daley from Civil Air Patrol. If you are interested in joining the Civil Air Patrol they are always looking for volunteers. Learn more about how to volunteer here


Stomp wants to put together a SLASR Group Hike  Sponsor Talk and 20k downloads Sober October Introducing Col. Darin Ninness and Jack Daley History of Civil Air Patrol Beacons and GPS Tracking  Kate Matrosova Col Ninness on how to be spotted from the air Drones, Jet Packs and personal aircraft Introducing Jack Daley Jack’s experience joining Civil Air Patrol Terrifying 25 Jack’s tips for getting new hikers out there Jeeps and Tacomas Betty and Barney Hill Stomp’s UFO Talk and MIB Stories - Col Ninness has no comment 

Show Notes

Rel-Lis Brewing Company Retail Locations for Rek-Lis Beer in New Hampshire Sponsorship and Donations Sober October Civil Air Patrol Civil Air Patrol History NH Wing Civil Air Patrol NH Squadrons Civil Air Patrol Where You’ll Find Me - Ty Gagne  The Terrifying 25 How to Join Civil Air Patrol Betty and Barney Hill 60th Anniversary