Welcome to the Sounds Like a Search and Rescue Podcast! Also known as SLASR. 

Join an experienced search and rescue volunteer and his friend as they discuss all things related to hiking and search and rescue in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. 

This week we will catch up with our friend Mark who will talk about the Monadnock Sunapee Greenway trail and his plans to hike the Cohos trail. 


Odin the dog update Stomp defends his pronunciation of Jewell trail and almost changes Mike’s mind Jewell Trail history lesson Beer Talk Stomps Eisenhower Hike Mount Washington Road Race Recap Introducing Mark (Knobbie)  Sasquatch Story Mark and Stomp hike the Pemi Loop Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway Cohos Trail Search and Rescue Talk

Show Notes

Fit Vine Wine

Bud Light Seltzer

Fishers Island Lemonade

The Greely Expedition

Greeley Expedition Members

Knobbie Hikes YouTube Channel

Knobbie, Mike and Stomp YouTube Video

Mount Washington Road Race  

Monadnock Sunapee Greenway Trail

Cohos Trail

Kidney Stones Rescue

Self Rescue with SOS call 

Medical Issue on Franconia

Diana's Bath injury 

Local Hiker got lost behind his house

Stair Chair