Cellist MIZU, (fka Issei Herr) classically trained at Juilliard, creates expansive waves of sound through the processing and layering of her instrument. Her debut record, Distant Intervals, includes ambient soundscapes that explore openness, vulnerability, and a sense of wonder, and is full of titles that hint at transformation, both musical and personal. There also seems to be a Zen element in her layers; they’re contemplative, yet quite ordered as they build delicate crystalline structures. MIZU, (fka Issei Herr) plays some of those pieces, as well as a brand new work where her acoustic cello interacts with forest sounds, in-studio. MIZU, (fka Issei Herr) shared a bill with percussionist Matt Evans at the Noguchi Museum on Sunday. Aug. 27. 

Set list: Prelude & Aubade, Flutter, Aveu (The Beginning Is a Farewell) feat. Maria BC

Watch "Prelude & Aubade":

Watch "Flutter":

Watch "Aveu (The Beginning Is a Farewell)" feat. Maria BC: