In today's podcast we cover a lot of retirement topics. The reason I wanted to share this podcast episode with you is because we talked about finding purpose in this next phase of life. I want all of the people who listen to Sound Retirement Radio to achieve Clarity, Confidence and Freedom and I want you to retire too something, not from something. In this podcast we discuss 7 exercises you can use to help you achieve a greater sense of clarity.

The free PDF document we discuss in this episdoe will be made available as a link on Sound Retirement If you are preparing for retirement be sure to go through the 7 exercises so that you can have a greater sense of clarity as your prepare for retirement.

When you know what is most important in life it makes it easier to prioritize your most valuable resource, your time.

I hope you enjoy this podcast episode.

As always articles, links and resources will be available at just click on episode #424