Previous Episode: Sound Journal 011
Next Episode: Sound Journal 013

O.K. I got an email from Homeland Security saying they were not impressed with my idea of hypnotizing all you listeners in hopes that we could meet in Hawaii and start up our Surf Church of the Immaculate Waves. So i guess from here on out my episode descriptions are going to have to be a bit more conventional. Alright. I took a break over xmas and only made a few tunes and recorded some interesting speakers for this (you are getting sleepy), podcast. My synthisizer is reaching it’s limits (you are now closing your eyes), and i feel that i am repeating myself, so hope to (you are now in a peaceful sleep), get a better instrument next spring when i get home and make a little money. In the meantime i will (it is now time to do whatever Dan tells you to), find an old log and work out some beats on it and maybe get one of those cheap hillbilly whistles. That should keep the tunes rolling out of (call Dan and give him all your credit card numbers and purchase a ticket to Kauai, dont worry it is the right thing to do), my pea brain and onto this podcast. So. O.K. there you have it. A very strait up intro to this podcast. See ya!
