Today’s episode is a deep dive into how the brain responds to podcasts and advertising on podcasts with Arafel Buzan and Mike Schulte of the NeuroLab at Mindshare.  One specific study we hone in on is a study they did with Wondry which you can read the write-up here. 

Topics we discussed were, how should brands be thinking about sound, the power of the podcast experience allowing messaging to be “self-visualized”, how the perception becomes novel when visual is extracted and how novelty produces dopamine, and echoic and iconic memory.

For more information on Mindshare, check out their site at 

My new course Sound’s Power and Influence in Marketing is now available at  I’m super happy to share with you all the years of research and knowledge that went into creating this course.  I’m confident that you’ll learn a lot and my goal is that you’ll be able to easily apply it to your brand or company.  So head on over to the site to preview the trailer, view the curriculum, and sign up for a dose of sound in marketing.  

For inquiries on producing and developing your own podcast or for inquiries on sonic branding and sonic branding consultation availabilities, you can find me at Dreamr Productions, Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.  You can also email me at [email protected]

Let’s make this world of sound more intriguing, more unique, and more and more on brand.

This episode was produced by Dreamr Productions and hosted, written, and edited by me, Jeanna Isham.  

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