As part of our continuing Oscars coverage, we are joined by Academy Award®-nominated cinematographer Hoyte Van Hoytema, ASC, FSF, NSC. He discusses how he got his start in the film business, working with Christopher Nolan, shooting “Oppenheimer” on film, how they did all those in-camera practical effects, and his fears about creating a dynamically visual film… with so much dialogue.

“I was scared sh**less in the beginning, because you are very much out of your comfort zone. In the old days - when in doubt - throw in a wide shot, throw in a vista, and give the people breathing space, et cetera. But this was full-on, very intense, on the human face all the time. So there was a challenge. But also, I think, a very fun one. It definitely brings you to a state of mind where you have to really focus on what is being said and on the progression of the story.”

—Hoyte Van Hoytema, ASC, FSF, NSC, Director of Photography, “Oppenheimer”

Be sure to check out “Oppenheimer” ahead of the Academy Awards, live from the Dolby Theatre® on March 10th!

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