The King of Canada, the Main Man in the Maple Leaf, the Master of Mooses, CHRIS LYON is back on the cast, and it’s starting to smell like mistletoe and moosehonkers up in here! The Wiz gets a call and the Pup makes the Erotic Moments get festive!  Happy Holidays Sound Clipse fans! Next week, …

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The King of Canada, the Main Man in the Maple Leaf, the Master of Mooses, CHRIS LYON is back on the cast, and it’s starting to smell like mistletoe and moosehonkers up in here! The Wiz gets a call and the Pup makes the Erotic Moments get festive!  Happy Holidays Sound Clipse fans!

Next week, the annual Sound Clipse Christmas Special Extravaganza… and you won’t believe who the guest(s) is!

Enjoy to all and to all…