Looking at mythical stories to carry us through difficult times.


Forged by ocean storms, rolling tides, dense forests, elusive wolves, wailing whales, fire-bellowing dragons, and cunning cougars, Amanda feels herself as a feral, trans-species creature born from a chthonic womb. Awake to the living and embodied presence of her ancestors, she continues to listen to and is guided by her Greek, Macedonian, Passamaquoddy (Peskotomuhkati), Sicilian and Celtic ancestry. 

As an agent of the mythopoetic mystery of our shared and collective existence, she calls upon dreams, mythology & cosmology, body-based knowing, death & dying, grief, wounds & trauma, shadow, the Feral Feminine, and that which has been banished and oppressed by cultural systems of industrialization and colonization to conjure a new way of belonging to the world. She is a Mythic Medicine Guide, Somatic Ecologist & Educator, agent of the Feral Feminine, Mother & Mountain Dweller, Interspecies & Place-based inquiry guide, and Writer & Poetess. 

Amanda's journey has included advocacy for human and women's rights, social activism within her local community, founding and directing a former women's non-profit, as well as leading trainings internationally with focuses on health, mindfulness, somatic inquiry and experiencing, and women's leadership & empowerment through the collective efforts of local community members. 

She believes these urgent, unpredictable, and exciting times are calling each of us to participate in a co-dreaming of impossible feats, as well as a co-conspired dismantling of patriarchal, industrial, and colonizing structures. As a guide, she supports others along their spiraling journey of remembrance and healing, helping to track and gather the sacred images, dreams, visions, bits of shadow, shards of wound, and numinous encounters that emerge from the relational web of ones belonging. 

Upcoming Offerings & Publication: 

Courting the Holy Dark: Stalking the Face of Your Feral Feminine with Amanda Fiorino & Sara McFarland, August 3-7, 2020, LINK: https://www.wildearthmedicine.com/immersions

Will you say yes to the feral feminine lurking in the holy dark, singing out to you from the womb of the Earth? 


Council of Mothers - A Monthly Virtual Gathering 

What can happen when Mothers gather, braiding the many voices of the Earth together, strengthening the presence and articulation of this note? Would you like to find out with Amanda? 

LINK: https://www.wildearthmedicine.com/council-of-mothers


Recent Publication: - Conjuring Grief: A Chthonic Force of Awakening published by the Urban Howl

LINK: https://theurbanhowl.com/2020/02/14/conjuring-grief-chthonic-force-amanda-fiorino/?fbclid=IwAR3tL_NoHDKaIefyeBEnNb1-OPaUQ03d2eeL1j68LL2aoBHuCP5jO0qDs-w