I don't know if I have experienced anything more painful than sitting by the bedside of someone I love, as they slowly lose their life.

To watch them lose their mind and then their body. If it happens quickly, or if it happens slowly. It cuts us to our core.

Every grief has a different flavor. I have experienced anger after suicide. Rage after doctor neglect. Confusion after watching a tiny casket be lowered into the Earth. Happiness and relief as the silence finally fell.

Death. A great teacher. I have cursed God. Prayed to God. Fought with God. Rejected God. Felt held by God. All in death.

It bring us to or away from God. But we come to our morality - and there is a spiritual element to the passing of a loved one that is undeniable.

And we can repress - and spiral into drugs, avoidance, and depression Or, we can rise - and really go deeper into what it means to live in a fuller way - more connected to Spirit, and our core. Or, (which is my experience) - a confusing dance of the two.

We are talking about how grief can be a spiritual tool for transformation.