Awake the divinity within and let life clear the way with Nick Broadhurst
World renown singer and Nick Broadhurst is a multi-passionate creative soul. His heart-centered and deeply honest music speaks to the heart of millions and his first album Thank You touched us deeply (so much that Sara decided to add it to the special playlist to her upcoming book Myself Completely). Nick also enjoys producing films, and is the founder behind Sneaky Sound System, a former podcast host and a powerful advocate of Ayurveda.
If Nick is not out in the world sharing his genius courageously and vulnerably, you would find him on the beach, surfing with his beautiful son and wife.
In this episode we dig into the topic of the divine masculine.
We talk about:
* Nicks story and how he became who he is today.
* Why listening and following your intuition is non-negotiable.

Why your body and earth temple is the ultimate .
What happens when you begin living from your highest calling.
What is means to being vulnerable and living purposefully. .

What is our ultimate purpose - this is a gamechanger!

What is the divine masculine and how Nicked awakened to this truth.

Why we need to awaken the masculine and feminine energy within to unlock our divinity.
The importance of intimacy and sex to our spiritual journey - this is epic. .

The purpose of the masculine. .

How to harmonize your energies to return to your center of love. .

This is the key to the Universal matrix. .
How us girls can support the sacred masculine in our partners. .

How to change to world - you can do it RIGTH NOW!

How to embody your divinity and let life lead the way.

This episode is truly extraordinary and was a absolute game changer for us.

So if your ready for start living a extraordinary life, tune in and tag along - you will be amazed!