What if you could make a change in the world right now? Even when you haven’t yet turned 18? Today’s guests holds the answer to that question. Cassidy and Kaitlin Murray are global change makers, world travelers and humanitarian activists wielding with refugee kids to culture global unity.

In the summer of 2015 they found themselves in Greece when the refugee crisis stroked hardest and decided to help. Since they have launched their own NGO Kidsunite4hope in the age of 14 and 16, where they have been working with kids and refugees all around the globe.

I’m proud to call them my sisters and co-founders of Humanity+ too.

This episode dive into the topic of being young global change makers and what it takes for you to make a change right here right now.

We chat about

Cassidy and Kaitlin’s story and their work in the world.
What Unity actually means.
Who are the people we label refugees.
What their work have taught them.
How the youth can make a change right now.
The #1 thing holding us back from not starting now and how to change it.
How we unite through diversity.
Their best tools to light up humanity.
Why creating awareness is key.
Compassion 2.0.
Their message to or generation - Gen Z.
Why we don’t need to do it all.
Why we need to shift our perception to solutions and tightness in the world.
The two ways to lead.
How to deal with haters.
The power of storytelling.
Collaborative leadership and why it’s key.
And so much more.
We are talking a stands, will you stand with us?