The terms soulmates and twin flames are very popular today, when it comes to romantic love, but many people may not fully understand what a soulmate or twin flame relationship actually is!  Soulmate and twin flame relationships can feel very similar, but the Universe does present signs, although some can be subtle, to help you differentiate between a soulmate and twin flame relationship. The Universe will also give us signs, some in the form of red flags, when they want us to see that a certain relationship may not be the best one for us.  But what are you doing with those signs? Do you ignore them, choosing to accept other signs instead, like both your grandmothers having the same birthday?  So what signs from the universe are you receiving? Are you getting sign after sign that your soulmate relationship is not meant to be? Are you getting signs from the universe that it is time to end this relationship and move on? Are you ignoring those signs or are you paying attention to them? Just because you BELIEVE this is a soulmate relationship, does not necessarily mean that it is.