When the person you love is emotionally unavailable, you are really just wasting your time, energy and effort pursuing a relationship with them. When a relationship is emotionally one sided, it never stands a cchance of growing. You may never be someone they can truly love, and that is not because there is something wrong with you. There are so many people we encounter that are physically attractive, nice, and look great on paper. Yet we cannot fall in love with them because there is a spark, or chemistry missing. We do not get to pick and choose who we can fall in love with, and neither can anyone else. So it is not your fault, but you do need to accept the reality that they may never return the feelings you have towards them. In many cases though, people we think are emotionally unavailable are just really good at hiding their feelings. (Spiritual connections often scare people so much that they do anything they can to hide their true feelings.) On todays show we talk about emotionally unavailable people and how to know if they may ever become emotionally available to you.