They may look good on the outside, but what are they really like on the inside?  We may know someone, work with someone or see someone at the gym who we might think would make a good romantic partner. But would they? You only know them in one context, as a friend, work mate or gym friend and have no idea how they would really perform in a romantic relationship. Before you go off fantasizing about the perfect relationship you could have with neighbor's husband or your son's baseball coach, you need to really see and understand that you are only seeing one side of that person. You don't know them. You don't really know how any of these people you project romantic fantasies on really are in a real life relationship. What looks good on the outside, may not be so attractive on the inside, especially when it comes to love. It may also be wishful thinking that someone is your soulmate or twinflame, when in reality that person does not have a connection to you at all.