In today’s episode, you’ll hear from Naomi Clark, who is a Feminist Financial Consultant and Coach.

Naomi partners with women to help them thrive financially by creating cashflow strategies that support their values and lifetime goals.

What stands out about this conversation is Naomi’s belief that the major reasons women struggle with making confident financial decisions are the patriarchy and debt-shaming culture, two oppressive systems designed to keep women feeling unprepared, doubtful, and distracted when it comes to their money.

Naomi likes to say that you can find her at the intersection of personal development and personal finance and, in this episode, she shares her passion for helping women truly tap into their internal sources of power.

Tuning in, you’ll find out why Naomi believes that the world is a better place when justice-informed women have more money and power, why money means nothing until you spend it, and how you can use debt as a tool to leverage.

Here’s a peek at what else we discuss:

Naomi shares what it means to be a Feminist Financial Consultant and Coach.
Why it’s important to focus on your internal power rather than just your external power.
Leveraging the resources at your disposal and learning how to spend your privilege.
Having the audacity to believe we’re deserving of wealth and power; Naomi’s experience as a woman of color in the US.
How Naomi helps women build confidence around their finances, starting with the numbers.
Money means nothing until you spend it; spending towards a life that you cherish.
Learn Naomi’s perspective on debt-shaming: there’s no such thing as “good” or “bad” debt.
The importance of looking at your financial picture in a holistic manner.
How to use debt as leverage; expenses can also be investments.
Understanding that debt is weaponized to the benefit of some and the detriment of others.


Naomi Clark on Instagram

Naomi Clark
The Outspoken Girlfriend Podcast

Jennifer Barcelos on LinkedIn

Sandy Connery on LinkedIn

This week’s Joy:  Every day, Naomi finds something that will bring her joy but she loves to start her day by putting on her red lipstick and loves having a good hot cup of coffee, these simple pleasures, no matter what’s happening in the world, that’s what brings her joy.

This week’s Hustle:  Naomi uses Zapier to help her with running her business as a solopreneur.

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