If you feel as though you are putting forth a lot of effort in your business with little payoff, you’ll want to listen to this because there IS an easy button available to you right now that can make a HUGE difference. You will also discover; why it can feel like a struggle to break through your upper limits, what to do if you have a fear of being judged or criticized and how to lift yourself out of heaviness and overwhelm. This episode will definitely encourage you!

Watch the VIDEO VERSION of this podcast here: https://vimeo.com/740617431

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There is a proven way for you to know exactly what you are meant to do and it begins with just 5 simple (and fun!) steps.

The reason most people lose their spark is because they aren’t doing what they are truly meant to do.

In just 5 days Wendy will walk you through each step and you will leave feeling more confident and clear about what you are meant to do AND how to monetize it, so you need never to be confused about this again.

Click below to join us and Wendy will show you exactly how to SPARK Your SoulFUEL®! We start SOON: