I am so excited because January 15th, Coach Wisdom Volume III – The Secrets of 21 Successful Coaches, is launching and I am one of the author-contributors.

Friends, as you know I am passionate about helping all of you and today, I need your help.

Please go into Amazon with my book link https://amzn.to/3H2Lvr2 and purchase the eBook to help raise awareness and to help us achieve best-selling in multiple categories and in multiple countries. Our Publisher has dropped the eBook price to $0.99 through January 15th only.

Please go to amzn.to/3H2Lvr2 and purchase the Kindle version for $0.99 cents.

Amazon lets readers download a free Kindle app directly to your desktop, iPad, smartphone, or laptop. After downloading, scroll through the reader, as if you were skim reading the eBook then leave a book review.

How does Amazon work? The more reviews a book has the more Amazon will promote it in front of other readers.

What we need are reviews to help improve the discoverability of our book.

Please Leave an Amazon Review - Once you have purchased any form of the book you can follow the link to the book (provided above) and scroll down on the Amazon eBook sales page toward the bottom. You will see a tab that says, “Leave a Review.”

I am grateful to all of you who take this time to show your support by purchasing and reviewing this book today. You are supporting not just myself, but all the author-contributors in the book with me.

The publisher will be posting on their Facebook Page where you can follow them and share their posts onto your social media to help increase the visibility of the book. We appreciate any support you would like to give!

Follow our Book’s Page - https://www.instagram.com/coachwisdomseries


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