Capriell Rickard

- Business Healer, After massive burn out in 2016 my whole world changed. It was then that I learnt that what I thought was "Backing myself" was actually my psychic ability.

I have for many years had things almost land in my lap and didn't understand, how or why. I have spent numerous decades in business, helping people to push forward their business or giving a helping hand for someone with a business in trouble. It's amazing when you finally realise that all along you've been following the nudges. When I say nudges I mean guidance from spirit.

Whilst starting my study with accounting and moving quickly into mainstream administration it was when I started learning NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy (TM) that I finally started truly opening up to the possibilities.

After becoming a Trainer for NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy (R) and finally going through massive burn out from working way too much was when my "awakening" took effect. I've since honed my psychic skills and abilities along with my mediumship skills. I've managed to be able to combine all of my passions, strengths and loves into an area of teaching that gives me more fulfilment than I've ever had in my life before.

I now get to show up, channel messages, facilitate guidance, teach others their own wizardry as they harness the warrior within. Most everyone says "just talking with you makes me feel better" with the ability to instantaneously transmute energy and uplift those in my circle people walk away feeling better without even realising what is happening. Spend enough time with me and you too will see infinite potential in ALL areas of your life.

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