Asia Suler is a writer, teacher, earth intuitive and ecological philosopher who lives in the folds of the Blue Ridge Mountains. She is the founder of One Willow Apothecaries, an Appalachian-grown company that offers handcrafted herbal medicines and educational experiences in herbalism, animism, ancestral healing and earth-centered personal growth. Asia has guided over 20,000 students in 70+ countries through her immersive online programs. With her writings and teachings, Asia helps people embrace their own unique medicine through a joyful engagement with the natural world. Asia’s first book Mirrors in the Earth: Reflections on Self-Healing from the Living World is available now.

In this episode…
The experience of waking up to Nature and exchanging information and energy with the unseen world
Ways people can attune themselves in order to have a deeper experience with the natural world
Gardening as a practice of setting boundaries
When we come home to our own inner world, the world as we know it changes
How the Earth helps us heal from trauma
How valuing our smallness, and the details of everyday life, helps us heal our lives and the Earth
Healing self judgement

Mirrors in the Earth: Reflections on Self-Healing from the Living World by Asia Suler