We are wired to perceive information from the natural world around us— it’s how we have survived as a species. The problem is we have shut it off, influenced at an early age by the adults in our lives. We all have the ability to tend our reciprocal relationship with the plants and the Earth. Kami McBride is the author of The Herbal Kitchen and has developed several online courses that facilitate the skills and confidence building to use herbs in day-to-day life for health and self-care. Kami’s 30+ years of teaching herbal medicine is steeped in her calling to inspire culture that embraces taking care of our bodies with healing herbs, a deep connection with the earth and a lifestyle that passes this knowledge on to our children. Kami has taught herbal medicine at University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing, and the Integral Health Masters’ program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. She has helped thousands of families gain confidence using herbs for disease prevention and self-care. 

In this episode…

Accessibility of herbal medicine versus the pharmaceutical model Effect of the disconnect from ancestral lands and foods Plant and earth communication is a continuum Our ability to connect with and see the world is incredibly profound between ages 1 and 3 Remembering our own “door”, the unique way we experience and interpret information from the natural world Ways to begin opening ourselves to plant communication—and the role of gratitude We can’t protect what we don’t deeply love Including Mother Earth in decision-making—listening to the land and including her voice in the discussion Full-spectrum herbal learning Bringing forth the Earth’s message for humanity When you make a deep connection with a plant, herbal medicine becomes personal embodied experience that goes so far beyond memorization People are being called to bring our culture back into right relationship with Nature Resources

Kami’s plant communication course: www.plantwisdom.online

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer


The Herbal Kitchen by Kami McBride