It's a dream farm story...Holly and Andy met on a farm, were married on a farm, started a family on a farm and make their living on a farm. When Holly and Andy purchased land in 2013 to begin their dream farm, they realized that the initial focus was going to be rehabilitating the soil. They decided that biodynamic agriculture would be the way they would address their soil building needs, and went on to create a vibrant farm system that nourishes so many in the community.

Holly Whitesides, along with husband Andy Bryant, and their two daughters, farm on 35 acres in western NC, where they raise certified Biodynamic and Organic vegetables on about 2 acres of crop land and Animal Welfare Approved pork, chicken, beef and turkey on the rest.  Holly and Andy have been studying and practicing Biodynamic agriculture since 2013 and feel passionate about raising nutritious food for their community.

"No matter how small your property is, you can engage with it in a co-creative way...a way that builds relationship and allows you to be a voice for your farm."

In this episode...

About Against the Grain Farm What led Holly to embark on the farming journey Why biodynamic? Early challenges, how our values inform our actions Being fully present while working the land Nourishing the local community High-quality, nutrient-dense food is a basic human right What surprised Holly about this work


Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships by Marshall B. Rosenberg

The No-Till Market Farmer Podcast Jesse with Farmer Jesse

Online Biodynamic courses taught by Cory Eichman

Spikenard Honeybee Sanctuary

Earth Legacy Agriculture

Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics