Sally recently got an email about one of her podcasts, the person said how lovely it was to hear Sally being really herself.  This prompted Sally to wonder how much of what she says is actually her?.  She does a lot of editing to make her podcasts professional sounding and she edits out all the hiccups, weird noises, and mistakes.  Does that make her voice less her?  Less real?


Following on from the original question about the truth in her voice, this episode also explores issues about how much Sally’s voice might be muted by societal expectations of what women should say, or not.  


Ultimately, Sally decides that the most important thing is to use this space to speak and let her voice be heard. She decides that she is Woman, presented here in her fullness and that she is proud of what she sounds like.


Do you dare to be fully yourself?  What does your authentic voice sound like?  Why  not let Sally know?


My book 'Conversations with Myself. A Story of Rebuilding.' is available on Amazon.  The book reflects some of the stories told here, and also includes some are new additions to the collection. Sister books are also available, and invite you into your own conversations, deeper understanding and encourage your exploration of your personal story.

I can also be found on: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr.

All the music in this episode was written, performed, and recorded for Soul Purpose Communications by Koert Witteman.