Someone once asked me how much of myself is in the stories that I write about.  And the answer is that there is always something of me in what I share.  Today I am talking about my work, and take a different stance, one that might be seen to be more political, which challenges the norm and is potentially more complicated.


As I write this, I also acknowledge that I have colleagues who are dealing with intensely difficult situations in their schools and communities.  Where the basic human needs of housing, safety and food are not being met for the children.  I can imagine that for these teachers to hear me go on about the being teacher is nonsense, because there are too many fundamental issues they are dealing with in their classes that need to be in place before we can deal with the higher emotional and psychological needs in human development.


However, I know I also have colleagues who are able to hear this message.  And as you hear me say very often in the podcast…… imagine…………… Maybe we can take this moment to imagine a different way of being as a teacher.  Of course, this message goes beyond a particular job, we could all potentially relate to the idea of bringing a state of being-ness to our work – and that is ultimately the invitation here.


Curious?  Would you like to imagine a different way?  Listen on to find out more.



If you like what you just heard you can find more through any of these channels:


Twitter: sallyedw




My book, "Conversations With Myself. A Story of Rebuilding", is available to download on Amazon.


All the music in this episode was written, performed, and recorded for Soul Purpose Communications by Koert Witteman.

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