I skived off work yesterday. For a full two hours. Yes, I know I'm the boss, but as a self-confessed workaholic, I rarely take time off when the kids are at school.

But yesterday the sunshine was calling me and there was the small matter of desperately needing to get some fab new clothes to wear to Chris Ducker's Youpreneur Summit in London, in a couple of weeks' time. I found myself walking down the street in my new town of Salisbury (cathedral above - spire 123m, in case you ever need to know), wallet and keys in hand, almost without realising.

Over the next two hours, I learned some valuable life lessons that I hadn't expected. And I share them with you in today's Dare to Dream Bigger podcast episode.

And, as promised in the episode, here's a sneak peek at the dress and boots!



I'd love to hear from you:
I'd love to hear your answers to the two questions I ask at the end - via the comments.


And in other news: are you joining me for today's live masterclass?

How To Write Your World-Changing Book - Made Easy
During the training session, I'm going to be taking you through:

10 reasons why your dream clients WISH you would write your book - aka why it's a brilliant idea and could be really exciting
5 hidden reasons why most people will never do it - and how to avoid them
My step-by-step process for going from 'nice idea' to 'brilliant, biz-growing book'

I know that the idea of writing a book can feel scary - even overwhelming. I know it can feel hard to imagine how you might find the time - or to know where to start - or to figure out which book to write and how.

So my intention today is to help you with that - and more - to help you to turn things around to see what you could create, with the right support.


Here's where to grab your spot: www.clarejosa.com/authormastermind/masterclass/


Yes, there will be a replay until 7pm on Sunday (only if you have registered, above), but please do join us live, if you can - you'll get so much more from the session.

See you there?

x Clare

Clare Josa | Author | Speaker | Mentor

P.S. Have you grabbed your spot on my November Author Mastermind yet?

P.P.S. If you're at the Youpreneur Summit on 3rd / 4th / 5th November, make sure you say hello!