Are you too busy keeping yourself 'busy' to notice when inspiration strikes?

Timing is everything when it comes to your Passionate World Changer dreams. So why is it that most of us find it so hard to spot when the time is right? In today's Soul Nudge podcast episode, I'm spilling the beans on how to connect with that inspiration - and let go of the 'to do' list hell that stops us from spotting it.
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Today's quote:
"Patience is a virtue, but so is taking inspired action."

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Today's affirmation:
Affirmation: I tune my inner radar to notice my inspiration signs.Click To Tweet
Today's intention: look for the signs! Every time you find yourself diving in to the procrastinations and distractions that get in our way, ask yourself: "Is there inspiration in this, or am I doing it for the sake of doing it?" Do something that inspires you today!

I'd love to hear from you!
Let me know, via the comments:

Which signs did you notice?
What did you do to inspire yourself?

x Clare

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