How did you get on last week with the 1% rule? Have you joined us for the free 5 Steps To Tame Your Inner Critic video training yet?


This week I'm spilling the beans on how my favourite Sanskrit word allows me to create business growth and breakthroughs, where I used to suffer from chaos, exhaustion and overwhelm.

And you could do it, too. All will become clear, once you have listened to today's podcast:

And when you’ve listened to this episode, I’d love to hear from you – via the comments:

How might my favourite Sanskrit word help you to grow your business?
How might you apply it to other areas of your life?
And what are you going to start with - in the next hour?

Here are today's show notes:

DON'T MISS THIS: 5Minute.Biz 30 Day Action Challenge:
Masterclass: How To Get More Done In Less Time, For Free

I'll be back next week when we'll be covering time management for entrepreneurs - and how most of us are getting this totally back-to-front.

I hope you have an amazing week!

With love, Namaste,

Clare x

Mentor To Passionate World-Changers, Author Of The Dare To Dream Bigger Entrepreneur’s Handbook

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