It's time to create the space to grow in today's Soul Nudge episode.

In this week's #SoulNudge podcasts, we're talking about how we can take lessons from my spring-has-sprung veg patch and apply them to our Passionate World Changer journeys. And today we're starting with creating the space to grow. Make sure you check out the resources, after you have listened, including how to sign up for my free 5-day Ditch The Overwhelm course and how to get my Limiting Belief Toolkit.
Listen Now:

Today's quote:
"Limiting beliefs will strangle your dreams as surely as a forest of brambles."

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Today's affirmation:
Affirmation: I create the space to feed my dreams.Click To Tweet
Today's intention: spot the opportunities to create more space.

My free 5-day course on how to ditch overwhelm - fast:
My deep-dive Limiting Belief Toolkit course


I'd love to hear from you!
Let me know, via the comments:

Where do you need to create the space to grow your dreams?
Which is your biggest trap: overwhelm? Exhaustion? Busyness? Stress? Something else?
By setting the intention to notice opportunities to create more space, what could you do to progress that?

x Clare

P.S. Loved this? Please share it far and wide!

