Do you think you don't have time to relax?

I know what you mean.

Life is so hectic, with stress flying in all directions, that the thought of taking 10 or 20 minutes out to relax seems like madness.

Yet it's a proven fact that:
A relaxed mind is a creative mind.
So if you've got a to-do list as long as your arm, perhaps the best thing you could do would be to start off with 20 minutes of deep relaxation.

It might seem strange, but spending that 20 minutes will actually buy you more time.

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Can you afford not to relax?

There's something about having released tension and allowed your chattering mind to still that gives you more clarity and focus, when you go back to "doing". So that to-do list will be rattled through at record speed.

Relaxing on your own can be tricky, particularly if you are pre-occupied with everything else. It's often easier to listen to someone talking you through the process.
So here's an MP3 relaxation you can download as my guest, to give you a 20 minute deep relaxation.
Just listen to it somewhere safe - not driving or operating machinery ;-)

... and enjoy!

Listen to the deep relaxation MP3 now or download for your iPod or MP3 player

If you'd like to get hold of more relaxation ideas, make sure you have taken up your membership of The Meditation Club. Go to your Gold Members' Home Page to find out how to sign up - it's part of your Gold membership package, so make the most of it!

I'd love to hear how you get on with this relaxation, so please share your thoughts via the comments box.