Today I want to talk to you about a topic that's so important that it formed the core of the work we did at our Mastermind Intensive Day last Thursday at the Institute of Directors in London.

And it was the topic of my Facebook Livestream last week, too.

What's the number one thing you can do (or rather 'be'), to create a secret business advantage for your entrepreneurial dreams? It's free. It's ethical. Hardly anyone else is doing it. And it feels great!​

It's the easiest way to build your business dreams, it will magnetise your dream customers, and it will build your energy levels, instead of leaving you exhausted.

Shhh! It's my personal secret for co-creating breakthroughs with my clients.

If you're not doing it, then you'll be subconsciously sabotaging your success, accidentally repelling customers, and having to work far too hard for fewer results.

So here's this week's podcast video for you, where:

I spill the beans on these secrets
I give you concrete examples of how it all works - and what happens when it doesn't
I also let you in on the biggest mistake that I see nearly all entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, freelancers and micro business owners struggle with, which means they're going to struggle to be successful
and I take you through the 3-part equation of how to become the go-to expert in your field
plus you get to work through a live process, as though we were in a one-to-one mentoring session together, to help you to step up to the next level

Subscribe via iTunes

I hope you find today's episode helpful - please share it far and wide with anyone it might help.

With love, Namaste,

Clare Josa, Mentor To Passionate World-Changers

Author of Dare To Dream Bigger: The 'Inside Work' Handbook For Entrepreneurs And Passionate World-Changers
I'd love to hear from you!
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